Participatory Grantmaking is The Future of Philanthropy
On a quest to empower community leaders as social visionaries, Marion Rockefeller Weber initiated the first Flow Fund circle in 1991. Rather than working with money in a linear manner, where philanthropists perpetuate reactionary – yes or no responses – to grant requests, Flow Funding encourages the dynamic flow of financial and social capital spontaneously through the hands of new funders in an effort to democratize philanthropy.
Flow Funds as a Strategy for Innovation
By championing proactive community-building through smaller grassroots grants, Flow Funders see the needs and opportunities of the communities they serve because they are an integral part of the social fabric, catalyzing trust, compassion and innovation between the Funder and Recipient. In this new culture of giving, everyday community leaders become interlocketers in philanthropy.
2019 Los Angeles Arts Flow Fund
MOZAIK piloted its first Flow Fund in collaboration with Kindle Project in July 2019, welcoming a group of community artists and arts professionals working across diverse expressive mediums to allocate the foundation’s resources to six innovative artists and organizations working to empower arts activism across Los Angeles.